David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Oh HELL no. Why would I work THAT hard? I’m not saying I couldn’t do it but again, who wants to do all that extra work except the guys who like dick measuring contests even though they lose every time.

Even if I had to use a Torker or a Street Dominator and an 1850 Holley rather than a 650 DP and Strip Dominator I would do that over a 2 bbl.

And I say the cost will be close because I’m not wasting time and money turd buffing the rods (I’d use them dead stock) nor would I lay a grinder on the heads.

I wouldn’t spend all that time shaping the counterweights (BTDT and in back to back tests I didn’t find a single, reliable HP…not one and that was at 8500) which is a fools errand but it looks good in magazines.

Its all about HP/$$$$. I know (in true comic book fashion) no one is counting the costs of all that grinding and the time to do it so their costs are artificially low.
Unless I misunderstood or am remembering wrong DV said in his first video about this build that it was not a build about HP/ $$$ spent. If you think that this build is about best hp/ dollar spent that would explain why it makes no sense to you. It wouldn't make sense to me either. But I don't believe that is what he said this build is about. I think that DV is wise enough to know that using a bbd 2 barrel is not a cost effective way to make HP. I do think that he finds that using the bbd 2 barrel and the other perimeters set out for this build both exciting and challenging. A fun departure from some of the same old builds he commonly does. In that spirit I'll watch and enjoy.