David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

If you search anything mopar related, fabo is one of the first things that comes up. I'm absolutely certain that these guys know about this forum.

Anyhow, I'm only saying what I would think about doing. The Magnum heads could easily hit the 318hp with zero modifications, and would actually be considered a stock head. I'll repeat it again, if you are having your heads ported by DAVID VIZARD, it's NOT something the AVERAGE NORMAL GUY is going to be able to afford or reproduce. If you send ANY HEADS to DV (or any reputable head porter) for porting, it's going to cost $$$. More than a set of OOTB edelbrocks. At which point, to be honest, it's a stupid *** exercise.
There's lots of easier ways to do it, that's a "no brainer" and there is no great wisdom in pointing that out, which has been demonstrated, by postings, by the local forum "no brainer" .
But they have chosen to do it the way they want to, working with what they want to.
They are not rookies at this and the whole woulda, coulda, shoulda, about it, is just pointless..