Am I Being Unreasonable? Original Owner Wants Car Back

This situation is a perfect opportunity for the wanna be buyer to try to play on someone's heartstrings, as we all know. And I have had plenty of people MY age, senior types, that would complains to NOT being able to afford nothing, but they drove into the yard in a $60,000 pickup!! They could not afford my price they'd say.

Then there are those straped. I had a 49 Dodge Wayfarer project for sale other month. All there, non runner, but usual rust for a 70 odd year old pickup. The guy rove 4 hour to see it, priced at $1500 what I gave. I just wanted to gone. We haggled for 30 minute over $100 and then I had to take $500 down the balance in 60 days!!! He was about 45 or 50. He was driving a $60,000pickup also!!!! Maybe thats the problem! :poke: