Solid Roller Lifters on Hydraulic Roller Cam

Wrong again. When you actually build engines for a living you have to warranty stuff like that.

And yet, I’ve NEVER had to warranty a HR with solid lifters on it.

Do you ever get anything right?

EDIT: getting ready to start adding content to my YouTube channel.

You will be banned from making comments. I don’t have time to deal with simple minded fools.
LOL, but your not building his engine are you? :realcrazy: And there is no warranty on internet advice, last time I checked LOL.
As I said, my advice is to simply check with the Cam designer. Your advice is to just take your word for it, and lets face it, you're a bit of a hapless parrot who just wants to sound cool on the internet.

I talked about this subject once with Mike Jones, and he pointed out a few issues with the idea. That's why I say, play it smart and check with the designer.

Also here's something Mike said when asked why people do it.
"Because some people are under the false belief that it's easier on the valvetrain, then running mechanical roller lifters on a mechanical roller cam.
That's completely false, and in some cases, it can be much harder on the valvetrain, depending on the hydr roller lobe profiles.
Some hydr roller profiles have no opening ramp at all, and accelerate quickly, right off the base circle. This makes the velocity/acceleration at the lash point much higher then most mechanical roller profiles."

Seriously, why would I even entertain the thought of looking at your channel? It's bad enough having to see you here..
And if I did choose to look and comment, how would you even know it was me? You got a crystal ball?
My advice to you would be to switch comments off on your channel..Otherwise you're going to have a fit..