1963 Dart 170 2 Door Post Resto

So, another update. Got the trunk compunded. Went over it with a DA buffer and orange pad using combination of Meguiar's ultimate compound and VSS from Chemical guys.

Bought a new Torq buffer (my wife actually made me...definite keeper :) ). Went over it and it looked ok but had some scratches left over. I think it picked up a little when I was wet sanding. (Remember I AM new to this...lol) I went back over the scratched spots with 3000grit and again with the compound and they are gone. Actually, looks really good.

Still a little more work with the compound and then onto polish. Moving onto the hood next, then roof, or vice versa.

The first 3 are when I started. The last is where I finished. Not bad for my first paint job and first time wet sanding and polish.

trunk compound 1.jpg

trunk compound 2.jpg

trunk compound 3.jpg

trunk compounded final.jpg