FBO's black HEI ignition box

I am not lying, nor making up ****.

Naturally he is pushing his product, I would do the same. But he shot himself in the foot, both feet actually....

These are the FACTS. Do you know how to separate facts from BS???????????

- he is very careful not to mention MSD by name, might get sued for implying their product is underrated.
- according to Miller MSD uses RMS. No proof other than Miller's statement.
- makes a big deal out of his mag only generating 4 amps. Who cares? What is important is what the spark plug tips get & with the MSD mag, they get more current, more energy & 50% more spark duration. The primary mag current is generated internally; the only downside is if it makes more HP to generate the current, & that info is not provided. Even if the MSD takes more hp [ to spin it ] , it would be tiny, maybe 1-2 hp, but it is more than likely to make more power because of the better spark.
- Miller seems like a nice guy, but he has tried to discredit the MSD mag with comments like it has a smaller coil than his unit uses. These are acceleration type magnetos that use a separate coil. They still have a primary & sec coils inside the mag. The configuration, turns ratio, etc will impact the external coil requirements & implying the MSD mag is not as good because it uses a smaller coil is a non-issue because the MSD puts out more spark, end of story.