David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Anyone else remember Tony's unfinished "Hemi on a Budget" series in one of the Mopar rags, circa 1989-90? He was using a former Top Fuel block with badly-split main saddles and a crankshaft with a surface that looked like BB-gun-tested tempered glass--riddled with cracks. "For street use, it'll be fine." He's been full of silly ideas for decades.

Shortly after whichever rag employed him at the time ceased to do so, a reader's letter to the editor asked, "What ever happened to Tony DeFeo?"
The editor responded, "Tony DeFeo is wondering the same thing."

YouTube seems to have finally provided his niche. Whether you love the clickbait or it drives you insane, you're puttin' food on the man's table at no cost to you. I may not agree with some of his ideas or suggestions, but he seems like an alright guy. You might be ridiculing him, but he's just happy you watched the video... and that you're generating even more views by publicizing it online via the discussion. A view's a view, whichever way the thumb goes.