David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Fun isn't it. I'm not sure how far they will allow themselves to go on the bbd 2 barrel but to me that seems like the cork on the bottle. This is a picture of a rochester 2g and a motorcraft 2150 that I used to run back when we had to run a "stock " carburetor.

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For the love of all FABO and the rest of us Mopar Zombies that watch the UT/DV Mopar drama with Lunar's leakin' 318...FOR THE LOVE OF ALL PLEASE SEND THAT TWO BARREL TO DAVID VIZARD.
I don't care about all of the hypocrisy, inefficiency, idiocrasy... I wanna see their CONglomeration run WITH THAT CARB!!! PLEASE brother please!!

That thing looks awesome for a two barrel. Throw that flyin' cat into the mix!!!!! You'd give them at least 20 plus HP!

I don't care how dumb they are, too much. Even if they fall off the tracks like little engine Tootle from the Little Golden books, I do want to see some semblance of success from these Bozos. I want all of us Mopar nuts to succeed, even the assholes.

I don't appreciate what I was led to believe would be a 'Stockish parts Rebuild" going into left field with Icon piston this and "Ewww I found 15 titanium retainers in the back of a drawer! guess what recipicating weight we will lose!" nonsense and then blame it on Saint Judes bs, but hell I sure as hell couldn't cast the first stone either. And those bozos are fronting the bill so let them be stupid and silly or whatever, 'Murica! Nd9GcQiLudpr78HB9757Xxpyy2iurKDx1jC5ClLFw&usqp=CAU.jpg

1672194929920.jpeg Sometimes we watch train wrecks, often I am the conductor, sometimes we warn others. As long as no one is getting hurt or ripped off, no big deal. I can see why someone would want others to not be mislead astray, but it would be better to take the debate to another thread to argue.