Annular boosters on a Tunnel Ram

I wouldn’t call that your “interpretation” because you nailed it.

Thats exactly what it says, and that’s exactly how it works.

Its almost absurd watching a simple definition of how the MAB functions get so twisted up that it becomes convoluted.

The main air bleed can (and does) behave exactly as described above because (once again, exactly what it says in the text) the pressure differential across the booster and the MAB are different at different air flows.

Thats why a bigger MAB will START the mains SOONER and still make the fuel curve tilt leaner at higher air flows.

Evidently some can’t grasp the pressure differential at different air flows.

Regardless of all that, it’s really simple to test MAB function. All one needs to do is test it and you’ll find that Tuner’s explanation is exactly how it works.

Of course, I have the luxury of getting the phone and talking to Tuner to make sure I’m understanding what he wrote.

And your explanation is exactly what Tuner says and is exactly what happens in the real world.

I hope this ENDS all this BULLSHIT about MAB functions as it’s exhausting to keep unscrewing the bad information about it.

I have personally posted the GENERAL definition of it by Taylor. Of course, if you want the full explanation you need to get the books and read all of it. And grab a scientific notation calculation and work through the math of it. That makes crystal clear what is happening when you change the MAB.

This is PRECISELY how “holleyitis” happens. Bad information repeated over and over and over bolstered by misquotes, nonsense and repeated error.

This stuff is easily understood if you read what guys like Tuner and Shrinker have written. They have made it very simple.

You just have to shut out the noise and ignore those who say something diametrically opposed to what they are saying.
Well, I know this. I will continue to follow YOUR carburetor tuning advice, as, so far, it's been DEAD ON THE MONEY and has worked for me.