Idea for a virtual and true ENGINEMASTERS CHALLENGE

I've got a wild idea that was spurned on by the UTG/DV/Andy deal and my experience with EMC.

Since EMC is no more I've been really missing the whole thought exercise of it. So I figure in the age of Youtube, ZOOM, TEAMS meetings, and online collaborations WHY couldnt a engine building challenge still take place? The engine build rules are easy-we can talk about that later.

Here's what I'm thinking:

1. We contact some youtubers with engine building content and we all agree to build an engine within a set of rules.

2. On the date of competition we dyno test the engines . Same as EMC avghp/tq + / ci x1000 equals score.

3. The engine then gets shipped off to a fellow contestant for dyno testing. We can keep this honest a couple of ways but we need more than 2 contestants. I want to discuss this further

4. For obvious reasons I'd like to make this Mopar specific but at the very least it should be kept to inline valve only. This eliminates convolution with Hemi/Canted designs.

4.a. A friend of mine had a great idea with Nick's garage in mind. Since he builds a lot of 440,s Why don't we agree to build 440,s with ALL stock parts- It wouldn't be hard to make up a parts list that could not be violated and was also available.

I figure we could limit this to youtubers within Canada for the first goround for logistical reasons. We would need to generate some income via sponsorship to cover engine shipping if they are going to travel cross country at the very least. J.Rob

P.s. Mods feel free to move this if you don't want this in this sub-forum.

So if all stock parts are used, what changes would be allowed? How can different builders make changes to compete? Should do a 383 build instead of 440, keep cost down. Looks like fun!