David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

1) That did not address the question
2) It failed to refute My assertion.

All you’ll get is a whole load of buckshot.

His claim to fantastical HP from a cylinder head that NO serious head porter would TOUCH (and by serious I mean someone who gets paid to build horsepower and not some dude that has a fetish of turd buffing junk to try and prove how smart he is) unless the rules forced it.

I can weld cast iron. I used to do it all the time. Now, no F’ing way. If I have to weld a CI head for repair or power I move on to a better casting.

Cost matters. Horsepower per dollar is FAR more important to me that finding an extra .25 HP/CFM.

I learned a very valuable rule when I needed to get paid to make horsepower. I haven’t forgotten it.

Just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

And this whole MI build is an example of violating that rule. Who in their right mind will spend that kind of time on connecting rods when you can buy a damn good rod with 7/16 cap screws, a better beam design and better material?

As someone who spent YEARS reducing Bob weights, profiling cranks and looking for any way to save some horsepower I can tell you that there is FAR more HP in a GOOD windage tray AND a QUALITY crank scraper than all that profiling and **** ever will.

That falls under the just because you can rule.