why don't people like helicoiled bolt holes in intakes

I have NEVER had a problem with a Heli Coil. A few people in this thread have stated that sometimes people do a poor/crooked job of drilling out and tapping the hole. Big deal, people screw thins up all the time. Just because a few people do something poorly, that does NOT make the product they screwed up a bad one.
It's not about the heli coil, I don't think anyone's arguing it's not better than threaded aluminum. I think what the problem with people being hesitant about used parts that have heli coils is if it was done right. You can't tell from a pic most times and I've seen some pretty bad heli coil jobs where it was unfixable without welding it which I think is a big deal. And then there are those who are just so anal retentive that no matter how good the heli coil is it just ruins that str-12 intake now matter how nice it is.