David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

So that engine isn't using all that 240 cfm of flow? The Ultimate say is what you use. Those Underheaded combo's sure seem to punch above their weight and use all the airflow those engine receive. Here's an interesting aside Qwkmopardans 410 stroker with 587's makes what it makes with 28 degrees total timing.......

125cc. That's even smaller than that 145 cc port. Still think a 318 needs a 160 cc port?

Its funny watching a daily driver street sedan that weighs at least 3400 LBS with a 318 and a tiny 218 hydraulic comp cam, stock converter and 3.23 gears run mid 12's with a 1.6xx 60 ft with only a stock valve sized 318 head.
3400 lbs, 318, stock converter , 3.23 gears. 1.6 60 ft. I would have to see it to believe it. You sure the car owner wasn't just messin' with ya?