What size engine for the online/Youtube EC?

& if somebody can dump a $2-3K block into the mix, that's all bullshit then. Now You've turned it to a $$$$+Ego-fest, no thanks,
Dump 2-3K into a block? On a contest that the winner receives no money or prizes other than a round congrats from the forum?
Shirley you jest!

Here’s a few things on that.
1: I don’t know where you could get a new block for that cost.

2:But if you could, the build off would be secondary in nature IMO since I think that person would be using the engine in there car and probably not for driving around town. Obviously most can’t afford that kind of coin drop on a block and IMO nor would they since the OEM block has proven itself very capable.

If the average guy at home (or rookie builder) can not replicate this at home, they’re not going to do a copy cat build. From my point of view, why bother.

3: With the rules laid out so far and the feeling I’m getting from RAMM, this seems to be more so a competition on the cheap on a friendly basis & not a “Screw you” money drop build fest.

With the use of OEM heads, power is limited. If someone was to spend money on porting the OEM head, that’s there biz but I don’t see any worth in it when the aftermarket has way better options. Of course home porters can save a big chunk of change on this mod. It’s up to them, the builder as to there worth vs effort and/or money spent.

I see a ported OEM head much like a six pack induction, you have to want to spend the money to do it.

I've got better things to do with My money.

Than a build off with stock heads? I agree.
A cruise around the Bahamas sounds better.