Subwoofers in a cruiser mopar

The first one is a Kenwood. I liked it.
A dial fader on the left, general sound from 40 - 12.8k and higher, push buttons for EQ & Sub on and off. The sub is adjustable from 150 & down with the second to right slider and the end slider is basically a sliding gain + or minus 10.


The second on is a Prestige which was OK. F & R faded,60 - 15k EQ, a sub gain slider and two buttons to determine sub cross over points at 80 or 120.


Last here is my favorite. A JVC with RCA outputs, F/R/Sub.
An EQ for the front and anEQ for the rear. A slider for fade and sub gain that’s has a bush button on and off as well as a defeat for the system.image.jpg