Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

Well after six days on the road training Commission School Security Teams ( licensed to carry firearms on school property) I came back home to all the chaos of our farm. Wife explained to me in no uncertain terms the Shepard Mal cross is mine period, she is done with it! Hah! Just like last Shepard rescue! In a year the two will be inseparable. Good news bad news tho, upon my arrival home I did not get bit by pup! Sadly pup got bit by Hemi, turns out I am nothing but property! They are on the edge of getting pecking order sorted out! The pup is stealing my heart, super intense and exactly what you would expect from the breed! It does however make for a small living room! See pix! The other one is the pup in full reverse gear once Hemi decided she was done with pup! Everyone is adjusting and looks like it is going to work out just fine. I am looking forward to some serious work with the pup these next couple of weeks as I have zero travel plans!

