David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

If anyone was doing accurate accounting of "time is money" in the performance automotive hobby world it would no longer exist.

Thats true. There is a difference doing what really NEEDS to be done and doing **** that does nothing but waste time.

For example, how will anyone know what a weight reduction of connecting rods will do unless its tested? You’d need to build the engine with unmodified rods and then pull it down, put in the modified rods and test it again.

Same with grinding the counterweights.

One offseason all I needed to do was rings and bearings. While I had it apart I spent hours and hours and hours grinding and shaping the counterweights and removing all the forging lines and all that junk.

And I had to rebalance the crank.

After all that work (and wear and tear on my compressor plus the cost of consumables) I found exactly nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Squadoooosh.

At one time I knew how much weight I removed from the crank but I have forgotten it now. It was 24 years ago.

Of course, that’s only ONE test on one crank but one would think that at 8500 RPM you’d see something. Something out of the margin of error.

One would be much further ahead spending the money I wasted on all that grinding on a very efficient crank scraper.