David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

@Hysteric , since you are an obvious expert, what's your take on this?
I'm no expert sorry.

How much power do you think this will make?
Who knows and why does it matter?

Do you think it's something the average Joe can replicate?
Everyone that is now a somebody in the hobby was once an average Joe. What makes us the authority that should decide what people can view?

What is the ultimate value to the mopar faithful? In other words, what can I take from this and learn and apply to my own builds?
Value is relative to each individual. the Mopar faithful are who exactly and why do they need a spiritual leader to guide them into what?

You should be grateful to be able to learn anything otherwise you would be forever ignorant and dependent on others. If you have an open mind you can learn lots from this build.