common courtesy

We have employees at work who park in the Handicap spots on the weekends. And yes they get a side bar conversation and that's about it.... And it really disappoints me from a personal level because I interact with some of them during work and they don't seem like the type who would do it. But I treat Handicap spots as Voodoo and put it in the category of "be careful what you ask for!"

But we as a society let it happen. I would love to see a task force that did nothing but bust people all day for parking infractions. And while were at it not everyone should have a Handicap plaque. They are taking advantage of those who really need it. But that's a horse from a different stable for a different day.....


I saw some guy with a placard and on crutches parking next to the handicap spot. I kicked the **** out of him for taking one of our non-handicapped spots... :) J/K

I did happen to head into a store and was about 10 feet from the door. A lady and her 4-6 yo daughter had just come out and she was holding the door. I quicken my step and said thank you before hitting the door. The lady turned to her daughter and said something like, "see, that's what you do holding the door, and the response you should get."

I said, "nice job, courtesy and manners mean something" to her as I walked in giving her a thumbs up. She just smiled.

Unfortunately, lately that lesson seems to be the exception, not the rule.

When you get done pumping gas, move your car and be considerate to those that are waiting. If nobody is there, OK. Filled up and people waiting, that's just wrong and inconsiderate.