Hey, I'm back !!

Thanks guys. It nice to be welcomed back.

I have had a lot of things going on lately. I'm gonna make some big changes in my life. Starting a family, getting married and such. With all that I have planed I came to a hard decision. I am closing my shop and leaving San Jose. I will be leaving the bay area and moving where the cost of living is less.

My mom is not doing well so I want to be closer to where she lives (Sacramento area). The nature of the custom car building is more boom and bust than I feel comfortable dealing with while rasing a kid. I don't want to be worrying about money all the time while working 7 days a week.

I'm gonna go back in the trades and just work 9-5, Monday- Friday.
Ya know, like a normal sane person.

With all the changes I'm gonn sell basically everything, all the cars and my truck. This way I will be sitting on a nice little pile. I can buy a nice ring and have money left over for emergencies.

It's not a decision I came to Easley but I feel in my heart it is the right decision. It's time for me to finally grow up and make some hard choices. I really didn't want to disclose my future plans because, on one hand I feel like I failed but everyone here has been a huge help over the last 15 years and I have made a few pretty good friend here so yeah.. that is what's happening and why I'm selling stuff.

Thank you all for your time and advice over the years. I truly could not have done it with out you.
I completely disagree with any notion that you "failed". You have succeeded in business, and now have decided to take another step forward in life.
Congratulations on your new life goals!