340 Vs 360

How so? I’ve taken mass out of the equation.

Have you not yet learned that rpm is valve train regulated issue?
If you can’t control the valves, you can’t rpm.
More rpm doesn't mean 7,000-10,000+ rpm.

A 340 is only slightly smaller not needing crazy amounts of rpm, if the same lbs-ft per cid your talking 300-400 rpm difference.
True the bigger bore breaths better.
I wasn't taking bore size, bore stroke rod ratio those are bonus but I was going off cubic inch the cubic inch difference since that what was brought up.
You put in parentheses, rpm. This is also not the end all nor the beginning. Excellent breathing starts way way way before rpm. So including that alone is mis information and mis leading.
But saying No Replacement for displacement and torque is king aren't half truths misleading leaves out lot of variables etc.. ? I'm just trying to introduce the other main variable RPM to the conversation.

My point when it comes hp, rpm is just as important as torque, hp is the combination of both, if you want to talk which ratio of torque and rpm makes better street car, cheaper, better drag engine etc... Those are different design concerns and are generally build specific.

Is this really controversial stuff.