Shipping Carrier Logistics

Anyone ever wonder about costs of shipping and what some of the things may be that affect it, other than fuel prices, handling etc?? Well, here is a funny one. How about the logistics of the route some of your packages go through to get to you. I order a part from a FABO member that started from San Jose CA.

I live in south central Oklahoma and I believe one of FedEx's hubs is in McAlester Ok.

So we started in San Jose CA -->On to Tracy CA-->Williams Az__> Hutchins Tx. Logical so far. That's pretty much a straight shot eastward.

Now we go south to Hutchins which is south of Dallas Tx, from there it went through Oklahoma and overshot by about 329 miles (1-way), possibly through McAlester Ok on to Lenexa Ks! Might as well be Kansas City Mo. So hopefully their compass will get fixed and they realize they overshot the me by two states! Haha. Then turn around and come back south to Oklahoma and hopefully to my house.

So there it is. Hope someone finds some humor is the madness!!:steering::rofl:

Brake Parts Logistics-FedEx.gif