Early vs. Late dusters

That's very possible, but you have to figure in what could go wrong. I had a/6 with transmission in front of the car, 6 hours later the car was running and ready for the road and I did it myself. But I had everything there, ready to go
too many "what if's", to figure what could go wrong, Dan. What if the kid buys what he thinks is a good running Duster and it leaves him in the middle of nowhere on the second day because dirt got on the needle and seat? Or an electrical issue?? Again, too many "WHAT IF'S". HOW ABOUT THIS ONE : They have pollution inspection in Colorado, what if the car don't pass emission test ???????? oH bOY !!!!!! '75 SHOULD HAVE A CAT... DOES IT?? CHARCOAL CANISTER???? ALL HOOKED UP????
Now that I think about it more ..... FOR SURE THE 72 !!!!!!