Is More Flow Better, Is The Smallest Intake Port That Flows The Most The Best

Optimal gearing for max acceleration would be variable gearing to keep engine at peak hp

kind of the torque is what one revolution is, hp is the sum of all the revolutions, or to say it another way hp is the sum of all the power strokes per minute

tq & rpm, torque and rpm move and accelerate etc.. Your car and we call that hp
Dude, you really are trying to confuse matters. It doesn't have to be this hard.

Optimal gearing for an electric engine with a linear torque curve is what?

Can a single piston two-stroke engine produce torque over one revolution? Yes

Can a single piston four-stroke engine produce torque over one revolution? Er . . . Which revolution? The power stroke or the exhaust stroke?

See the problem with your analogy?

The torque is NOT what one revolution is. The torque is generated by the chemical reaction that produces a rotational force (the definition of torque). The torque/force/potential energy already exists in another state (fuel/air mixture).

The potential force exists BEFORE it is applied.

And so I will say it again: Horsepower is NOT a force.