Is More Flow Better, Is The Smallest Intake Port That Flows The Most The Best

Mate, seriously. Heat is just a measure of energy transfer.
I know
Potential energy is potential energy. It doesn't change. You can't create it nor destroy it – you can only transfer it or convert it to mass.
I know
I'm not trying to be a smart-arse, I'm actually trying to help people understand why torque moves things. And I'm trying to explain to you why time doesn't matter to a potential force.
Same here lol
You think that because an engine only applies torque when it's running, that torque and rpm are inextricably linked – which is not the case.
your wrong
I am saying that the potential for that torque already exists before it is applied. Ie; before you even start the engine.
This is ridiculously wrong
An electric engine is a prime example of this. We already know how much torque we have before we start using it, because we know how much energy will be used. That energy is the potential force (converted to a rotational force = torque).
There's potential in splitting atoms but unless do it means nothing, just cause you got a battery hooked to an electric motor means nothing until you flip the switch. Just because you have a tank of gas and air all around your car means nothing until you start your car.
Is it that hard to understand?
That's my question to you, obviously you have a grasp but your off on how your applying it you need to rethink everything.

How hard is it to accept that tq and rpm is what moves and accelerates a car and we call that hp ?