Stop in for a cup of coffee

Nicely put.
Always wonder about people who ask about how much they ought to price something. I always think, how patient are you? How much work do you want to put into the sale? and How much is it worth to you?
See it every day with stamps. I took a lot of the newer stamps from collection I bought to a dealer and he wanted to give me 30% of face value. No deal. He said I will never sell them all online. He may be right, but if I sell half of them at 70% I'm already ahead of his offer... These guys can buy stamps all day long at those rates because there are many people just looking to dump an inherited collection for cash. Similar to how I was able to buy these cheap and still give the seller what they considered a good price. I have sold a few sheets at 70+%. Just traded some for other stamps I needed for my collection. I'm in no rush...