Capturing a piece of early 70s Trans Am mojo...what can be done?


I currently have the (incorrect for my car) dual-snorkel scoop and really want to add a front chin spoiler/splitter and a rear ducktail spoiler. @MRGTX where did you get yours? That thing looks fan-frickin-tastic! Same goes for the chin spoiler, slightly shorter than what I'd want but similar style.
Your car is looking great!

The chin spoiler was offered by Direct Connection. I bought it from someone on the forum 7 years or so back. They are pretty hard to come by, unfortunately. Someday, I think I want to try my hand at making a fiberglass mold and make some copies of that thing. My rear spoiler is a fiberglass copy and there's at least one consistent source of those but nobody seems to offer the chin spoiler.