anyone build cabins?

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Here is my 10 year cabin plan, "Winter Cabin" in a Southern Climate .

Took 10 years for it to evolve from an original idea to reality, but it came together (kind of out of nowhere) and it fit my lifestyle and time frame.

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Got to have an onboard 220v air compressor as part of the basic living essentials, Lol . . .

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Works for me, and serves a great purpose.
thats pretty cool

this guestcabin is supposed to be a trial run for our "long term" plan
in about another decade or so we should be debt free, and at that point we want to buy a plot of land, 10-20 acres and build a get away on there

so i figured might as well get my feet wet

though it is not comepletely uncharted territory for me, i did build this a few years ago
and all im really doing now is the exact some but with larger walls