Easiest 727/904 rebuild thread...

I've encouraged people to rebuild their automatic transmissions and stick shift transmissions for that matter ever since I've done it myself for the first time and found out how terribly easy it is. I've said it once I've said it a million times if you're going to go through all the trouble of taking the transmission out and being the one to put it back in do not give the easy part of rebuilding it to somebody and pay them a boatload of money to do it....
Hopefully I'm going to debunk all the excuses I've heard over the time now why people won't do it...
Don't have time, don't have skills, don't have tools, don't have space, etc etc...
First and foremost time that seems to be the one that everybody gets on... If you clock yourself from the minute you pull your car into the garage and start getting it up on jack stands for however you fix to pull the transmission out and time yourself and tell me how long it is before you have it out and up and on your bench Lock stock and barrel. Then the harder part getting it all put back in there with all the linkage back on all the bolts back in the driveline back on the transmission back on completely everything hooked up and ready to start... Now add all that time up so I can start adding my time up to how long it takes to rebuild the transmission...
I'm going to rebuild or I should probably say refresh a 727 8-in short shaft big block automatic. I will point out the differences between the short shaft and the long shaft and try to get a few of the differences and different tools for the 904 as well...
My suggestion at this point is to go to the Dollar tree and spend $3 on three jugs of awesome and $2 on two toilet ones or bristle scrubbers. You can set the transmission up on its bellhousing preferably after you drain the oil out of it and start scrubbing it and rinsing it off and try to get it as clean as you can for now I.e. get the credit off.. I'm not going to count that hour or two against the refresh rebuild time...