Head milling, trickflow 240

We only have a 40 grit aluminum carbide surfacer and we do a **** load of heads with it aluminum and cast iron, funny thing is we have never had a comeback with any head gasket and yes we've built engines with MLS and specifically cometic.
The only comeback was from a new mechanic who just graduated tech school and he didn't even install them he just said " it won't work" but it has on every other LS, hemi, Honda, Subaru, Toyota, jaguar, fomoco, even nicosel aluminum.

I believe it. Cut depth and feed rate have enormous impact on the final finish and anyone who says they can eyeball a good surface is smoking something.
Profilometers don't lie, and I've seen them read some terrible finishes off great machines used by morons and great finishes off terrible machines used by true craftsmen.