Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well I am getting over run with conceal carry licensing class requests which frankly I do not like to teach. But we are about to host a lady instructor I really like for a ladies only class and a try before ya buy class. Those are great fun and she is an instructor I like working with. in April we are going to do a skill building class for AKs which should be a lot of fun. I got a couple buddies that have been building the curriculum and feel there is a niche need for the class so I am going to host the beta trial run. That might be a avenue of growth? Kind of like the popularity of our AR classes. Plus all the normal classes we do and I am getting more and more private coaching classes as the word gets around. I prefer the one on one classes as I feel I can deliver a much better product to the student individually rather than in a herd where I am just trying not to get anybody shot. Hah! Jodi is trying to get me to develop more of a social media presence but since it is a private range I kind of like not. The snow and ice has shut down construction on big house. Should resume this weekend. The dogs are figuring out who’s who and the Shepard Mal cross is twenty pounds from becoming Alpha. She has figured out she can collapse Hemis haunches by putting her weight on Hemis back. Wicked smart in a wolf pack mentality way. Watching the pups personality develop is a hoot. She has become my shadow much to Hemis dismay. Jodi now calls it my harem. The jealousy runs rampant between them. Clearly I am merely a piece of property to all the women in my house!