Stop in for a cup of coffee

When my Brat had the Swinger, the 904 gave up on it. No explosions or parts on the ground, just quit. My work partner says call

a-1-logo-new.png, they were just 3 hours away from here, at the time, now they're in 71340Duster's neighborhood. "We can build that 904 to handle as much HP as you can put in front of it." It was my Brat's car then with a 2bbl Teen :lol: . The time difference was the mitigating factor, local guy with good reputation could have it back on the road in 3 days. If I did it, 2 days travel, at least 2 days for the R&R, if my work allowed, and for the same $$$. I went with get the Swinger back to the Brat ASAP.