Easiest 727/904 rebuild thread...

Duane you're an idiot if you think I'm in here to drum up business. I have never received any work from this site. I just compare my prices to some scammers so people know what's fair and what isn't. PLUS, I'm always on here helping people straighten out messes that somebody has thrown together; sorta like how this pos trans job is going. What are the chances that this rustbucket junker is ever going to be clean enough to not contaminate the valves? HIGHLY UNLIKELY. Encouraging folks to rebuild that piece of crap is downright misleading. You can buy TFs for $50-100 all day long; why start with a problematic trans? This guy isn't going to admit to all the problems he ends up with, I can tell you that right off. Just about anybody can rebuild a TF, but you have to use some common sense. Start with one that hasn't been underwater or one that's fried from front to back. It's all fun and games until you install it and it has some weird type of problem that nobody can track down because of something that you overlooked; like this guy is doing. This is the blind leading the blind and you're encouraging it Duane. I think you want people to fail.
You have not pointed out one fact that he has done wrong. You have assumed and speculated. You said he took the servo apart for no reason. The spring was broken, it had to be changed. You said the retainer was installed upside down, I can see how that picture looks that way, but he has it right.
I have seen you in a better mood and be helpful and I’ve given you credit for that.
But I have not seen that side of you so far in this thread, only unjustified criticism.
You are capable of helping, I’ve seen you do it, you just need to change your tone and be helpful. Comments you made about types of cleaners you like to use are very helpful.
And like Jpar had said, what really matters is does it run when you put it back together.
Doing things a different way than you do, does not make it wrong.