Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

Ya got caught holding your weiner BP. LOL
I love dogs but I don't have one, I'm waiting till I can safely let one in the garage to hang out with me but now to much chemicals and bad dust and don't want a sick dog.
I do like to spoil my friends dogs with good treats and looks like next time I hang out with ya John I'll have to double up on the Jerky.
Same here. On the few times I brought my dog down to the garage, she stayed in the vehicle.

You guys are lucky getting a high energy pup to focus on a treat. Being green to raising a pup, I learned real fast that once outside on a walk there were higher priorities. Occassionally she would take a treat - such a as hot dogs - then spit it out just to make that point clear! Took a couple months of training in less distracting environments before food type rewards were useful any distance from the house and yard. Blame it on the chow. LOL