3D printed reverse lens for 1964 1965 Barracuda and valiant for sale

This picture is a representation of finished product. I will have a finished one soon to post picture of.
These are high quality professionally done 3D printed with state of the art printers. Made in the USA
Also they are NOT made from an injection mold where you have defects. Unlike others I've seen and dealt with.
I am satisfied with the prototype that I am willing to stake my reputation and name on these.
I will take pre orders now but rest assured, these are very good quality reproductions of the original lens. If you wish to wait on ordering that’s totally understandable. BUT don’t miss out. I’ve got other products to run after this initial run.
My open for business sale cost on these is $65.00 per lens. That includes shipping in the USA. I can start shipping in two weeks time. First come first served.
Personal messages only and I take PayPal either friends and family or if you are unsure pay with the protection plan, just YOU add the difference
