What is, or would be your cb handle?

“Cookie Monster”

My last name Cooke. Very NY-ish to add “IE” or add a “Y” on the end of everyone’s name. It’s a normal thing. Or shorten the name. Benjamin To Ben or Benny. Been called ether Cookie or Cookie Monster since the 3rd grade. Other times you got the name from your friends. My ol’buddy Charlie with filipino heritage was called Chink, my other buddy was clutzy and often made some really bad decisions, like picking up the school books that fell off the car seat while still in the turn and crashing the car while getting the books. Yea - a low wattage bulb, but an ace dude. Being Polish - Polock was his name. Then there was bonehead, double meaning there and both are 100% correct! Rizzotti got shorten to RIZ. The list really goes on and on.

Last time I was in town, I walked into the local watering hole, and very very much like the TV show Cheers, instead of “NORM!” It was “Cookie/Cookie Monster!”