Health question.. rotator cuff?

In past years I've had tendonitis in both elbows flare up occasionally, that's been quiet for a couple years now.
In past times to chiropractor (always use same one) I've had "impingement" (whatever that is?) And something with the"AC joint" but the pain was different with those, don't remember hurting when I try to put a belt thru loops or get my wallet out, or extend my arms overhead when laying on a creeper or a stabbing pain when twisting my arm forward or after reaching out, and then drawing it back in especially with elbows bent. This is different.
I know of a few who have had to be operated on for rotator cuff issues, one recently (around veterans day last year) who got too dependent on pain meds and is no longer with us.... He'd been off after having his shoulder "done" alot longer than anyone ever thought he would.... Have a neighbor across the street who also had it done, even my younger brother and my boss at work. All were " worse than expected" once the doc got inside (none of those had same doc work on them)
And the secretary at an old job.... Every one of them either fell and extended their arm to "catch themselves" or were in a car accident or "caught" a heavy load from overhead and "jammed" the shoulder, some such trauma. I have had no such thing.
These people I know all had "complications" that were unforseen going in, except for one.... I certainly can't miss that much work.... Don't understand how I got here with this issue, and am hoping I can fix it without missing that time. I have been taking a lot of Aleve which does it's job but with the comments above pertaining to liver issues, I ain't wanting to trade one issue for another. It's good I guess it's been cold outside lately, as I have been holding the couch down so to speak after work, more over the past month or so than I have in a very long time. Weather is starting to break, so that will certainly change.