Easiest 727/904 rebuild thread...

I have only rebuilt one transmission. Just one! I'm pretty sure no one was born into this world having rebuilt 1000 transmissions, which means everyone started by rebuilding their first one. EVERYONE!!

When I was preparing to rebuild my first transmission, I researched. I bought a book, I got a copy of the old school video, and I read and read threads on FABO.

If I'm thinking correctly, this is a forum to exchange information - mainly about a-body Mopars. Here we have a member taking his time to upload photos while posting information about how HE is going about rebuilding a transmission.

I don't see anywhere he asked to be critiqued about the way HE rebuilds transmissions. Members who browse through threads are smart enough to know the posters may not be professionals in what they are writing about. The original poster even started out explaining his experience level with transmissions.

Everyone is free to start their own thread about rebuilding transmissions, or engines, or differentials, or alternators, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. There are thousands of "how-to" threads and very little negative comments in those threads. There are probably more in this thread than ALL other threads combined. Damn.