Someone's stirring up the Bees Nest about "you" doing the work at Self-checkouts

I can get into that, but in addition to the other good reasons to be cross about self-checkout, I resent being slowed down because even when it's working, the system is deliberately set to make…you…go…verrrrrrrryyyy…sllllllowwwwwwwwwwwllllllllllyyyyy. I'm not a moron, and this isn't difficult; if the system would let me, I could scan all my stuff and key in my produce codes almost as quickly and efficiently as a cashier. But no, I have to scan one item, wait for the system to say "…Thirteen…seventy…nine…", put that item in the bag, scan the next item, wait for "…Six…fifty…two…", put that item in the bag, etc. And that's when the system is working 100 per cent, which it never is. It's always full of "…Please…re-scan…last…item…" and "…Unauthorised…item…detected…in…bagging…area…" and "…Please…remove…last…item…from…bag…and…wait…for…attendant…" and "…Please…place…item…in…bag………please…place…item…in…bag………please…place…item…in…bag…".
Exactly! It's as if it was designed to be self defeating.