Someone's stirring up the Bees Nest about "you" doing the work at Self-checkouts

Last I heard was RFID tags had a problem going through dense objects like a gallon of milk.

I like the Scan and Go, I don't have to interact with anyone! (Except the person at the door)

I scan as I load my cart, I have totes like the PO uses in my car, from the shelf to the cart to the tote in my car. Heck I could just put the totes in the cart!

In the last few years my wife and I have been using the online order go pick it up method.

Only thing that worries me is not getting something I ordered, only to know after I get home.
I like doing my own shopping, that way I get exactly what I want in both quality and quantity. I don't understand why people have others do their shopping for them I can understand it for the elderly and disabled