UTG 727 destruction

If you find the junkyard jet video, they specifically said they honed the first cylinder for 8 hours...at Tony's "guidance" and eventually they did a "first start" video where it sounded like rocks in a can with major misfires. After that they didn't post anymore for a long while. Come to find out, the junkyard jet guys, tore it back down, took it to a actual machine shop and had it done properly. That's why tony ran them off, told them that's not what his channel is about.
8 hours?! holy ****.... in 1 cyl.. that's AMAZING bahah.. i don't regret not watching that stuff.. thanks for the recap

P.S. i'm debating doing a quick hone/re-ring and bearings on my 318 for this year... thing has a ton of miles but had good compression.. hate to take apart **** that works :)