Golf fans ?

The two well known golfing movies are Caddy Shack, and Happy Gilmore.
When i was a kid growing up, i lived in Waterbury, Connecticut, and caddied at the Waterbury, Ct. Country Cub
to earn my spending money.
The golf pro, and caddy master used to allow a few of the long time caddys to play the course during the slow
time during the evening hours when the club membership wasn't playing.
I guess it also was ok with the management of the club to allow some of us regular caddies to play.
I tried my best to play that game, but to be truthful and honest with you, i sucked at it.
Never did have good coordination, what it took to hit that damm golf ball around.

Remember the movie Happy Gilmore, where Adam Sandler played in the Waterbury Open?
Sure fit the golf course, and city, where i grew up as a kid in the 50's and 60's.