home gym routine

That's pretty impressive for pushing 70! Keep it up! I carried my bare block up the stairs and mounted it to the engine stand without a lift. I'm young tho I don't think I will be able to do that stuff when I'm 50 plus lol
When I was young and very dumb…. I was able to pick up and entire 318 and roll it over the trunk lip into my Magnum. Some fella came running up for the last bit of the engine to clear the turn I lip. I took it apart to get it out. That was my absolute maximum effort.

Today? 30 years later, I twist the wrong way and I’m my back for 10.

When I would show my wife what I had accomplished, she would just roll her eyes at me and ask "Why do you want to look like that?". Motivation gone. Testosterone gone. Fitness gone. Sold my equipment. A quick 7 years later and I get short of breath just walking up a flight of stairs.
I did it for me way back…. Do it again for yourself.
Stay healthier.