
The color code for your dash is GY6, full part number is 4239GY6. There were only four dash colors in '72 A-bodies: Black, blue, green, and gold. All four shared the first four digits of the part number, with the last three being the color code (black would be 4239TX9). I would not bet the farm on finding an NOS one, but anything's possible.

As far as I'm aware, nobody's doing that dash pad in gold. PG Classic shows a tan one, but what's shown is a color I don't know that I've ever seen in an A-body. It's not even close to what you need (strangely, the 1968-only dash pad is much closer, yet my '68 Valiant's pad is closer to their '72 color). I can't speak to their quality, either.

This might be a situation where you're best off finding a really good used pad, or sending yours out to ABC Moparts and seeing if you can find the right GY6 dye. I did a lot of comparing finished products when I had my E-body dash recovered, and ABC Moparts was far and away the best. It was also the least expensive option.