Solar Panels, for CIVIL discussion

A friend installed a solar system in his house for $20k. Roughly, if he saves $1000/yr it will be a 20 year pay back assuming the system lasts that long. I don't know if the Tesla battery was included in that cost but its life is supposedly around 10-12 years. He is not generating enough power for his own needs every month either. The only way it will make sense is if a) electricity goes up significantly (could happen) or b) there is some catastrophic event and he can live off the grid although heat is from natural gas around here so good luck.
I've had solar on my roof for 4 full years now. 27,600 initial costs minus 45% donated from my Fed and State rebates 12,420 dollars. that's 15,180 I have to pay. My 1897 2.5 story Victorian used to cost me 225 in the summer to cool. Now I cool it for less than 100 and most summer Months 35 bucks. I installed a heat pump with another rebate offered andI now also heat my house with them for all but the coldest days. Got a lifetime warranty on the Amana heat pump. My panels have made more electricity every year so far. Weather patterns I assume. My pay back was set to be a 7 year plan. Then we got Bidenflation on the energy. Electricity costs went up and I'm now looking at a 5.5 year payoff. They aren't perfect but they have served me well so far.

There is a ton of energy used and a lot of pollution created to make these panels. For that reason and the fact that I hate the CCP I bought American made panels. Since saving the planet was the main goal I felt it a bad idea to buy panels made in China the globes number one polluter and a top 3 Nation for slavery TODAY. Also putting them on a fossil fuel ship for 3,000 miles kind of defeats the whole green thing. The USA panels cost me over 4,000 dollars more but since my fellow Americans helped pay for my panels I felt obligated as a patriot to buy panels that helped employ the good folks that assisted in my purchase.

I do NOT think that all solar or all electric is the future but is will be part of it and in many instances they do wonders. If they would jus t STOP forcing it and let it earn it's way people would resent them less.

As far as the fields of panels......Who on earth thinks that clear cutting trees and fencing the area off from humans and wildlife is GREEN???