Solar Panels, for CIVIL discussion

Bingo bango. If they worked well, every utility would be installing them to increase their profits. Obviously there's economic factors for why they don't. Maybe we should just declare war on clouds so solar can be useful - that'd be green, right?

Nuclear installations would take less than 1% of the same amount of land than equivalent solar installations and more reliably supply power to more people. The lack of a campaign to nationalize decomissioned coal plants and conver them to nuclear tells me there's no serious demand for 'green' energy though. Teenagers who drink too much (we call 'em sailors - relax, it's a joke) successfully run the largest fleet of nuke reactors on earth, yet it's "too complicated" to rely on for utility power? Not buying it. Public/private partnerships successfully and safely oversee some of the most dangerous materials on earth. Yet somehow we ignore a reliable, mature, and exceedingly useful technology because... some people are afraid (of things that are easily addressed).
They do work well for a lot of people, not everyone everywhere but they do work great. My system would be worth it if I had not gotten subsidized. Some of that was speculation on the cost of electric going up in my area and the political environment which turned out to be a correct assessment.

I'm with you on everything else you said about nuclear!!!