Dan the Man cars ?

Life doesn't get any better, after the divorce in '11 and much searching during The Great Recession I closed escrow Xmas Eve of '12 on the house. After working out of town for 6 years I started on the Dam Job 6 miles from home and 1 stop sign.
I'd purchased the D 100, it's out of the shop, my oldest son is now an apprentice working with me we're having lunch listening to Tradio and wham ! Sixty something Buick is mentioned on air.

I call and the gal is up the road from me. I go look and it's not 60 something but '95 Roadmaster dead battery but garaged. Went the next day and her ranch/handyman had charged battery and were off to the races. I might have left $$$ on the table but she accepted my offer. I've had to put tires, an EGR, and an electric fan setup on it but it's become my all time number 4 or 5 favorite of all time.