383 piston recommendation

Dear TooSlow,
You disagreed twice. You asked if you needed valve reliefs. Dude answered. You disagreed with him.

You are veryslow? tooslow? or not paying attention to your own thread. You have been a member long enough to know a red X is not a positive reaction.

Also, you relayed you had chosen a piston after the member correctly advised you to get valve reliefs in the piston. So, although you were "guided to excellent pistons", no-one knew said event had happened until after you red X'd him. I dont have a horse in the race but if you get frustrated type of responses in the future, its possible that it is you that has committed the infraction.

Good luck with the build.
Hello Clementine ,
I have been a member of this Forum for 20 years ? I was not aware nor paid attention to the 'Agree' 'Disagree' red X . I do realize social media makes it very easy to be insulting, not face to face after all . . Not my style
Thank you for your input and I NOW will pay closer attention to my Threads