Reluctor Gap

Since changing the reluctor gap does not affect the timing, your reluctor gap can be anything from zero until it stops triggering the ECU, which point I have not found even with a reluctor gap of .030.
Vertical end-play in the distributor matters not a whit.
Radial play in the bushing I suppose could affect cylinder to cylinder timing, but for a streeter, so what.
What I find tho, more than anything is that the play you might feel by moving the reluctor, is actually above the bushing, between the flyweight carrier axle-pin, and the flyweight cam.
However, just so you know, my distributor is from the 70s, has been thru several cars and I'll guess has 300,000 miles on it, and the last time the car went to the track, she still went 93 in the Eighth, the car has a Commando 4-Speed, AND check it out, she will pull herself around the parking lot at 550 rpm in First gear with 3.55s, as long as I care to, with not a single missfire.
So IDK, I have a very high opinion of that factory Electronic-Ignition distributor.
What's my gap?
IDK, the last time I checked was about 1999...... lol.