Mick’s Brilliant idea 72 Dart Swinger

To each their own!

Find the pages you need, print them out, doesn't matter if they get greasy.

I have my dad's FSM he got when he bought the dart in 67. I have a second one I bought before I knew about the online version. I have not opened either printed version since.

I guess it's a generational thing.
Maybe. I don't know. I've always preferred printed manuals, even when I was young. I've also always had respect enough for important information to take good care of it and not get it greasy. There are lots of errors in some of these online downloads and discs and such. Going through several printed editions with all their errors through each edition and then transferred to CD or online download. No thanks. I'll take an original copy of the 1964 Valiant service manual any day over this electronic crap. So yes, to each their own indeed.